Each five grains per gallon of water hardness causes an 8% loss in efficiency and 8% increase in cost when using 100 gallons of hot water per day in gas storage tank water heater. A water softener from NuStream Water Treatment can help extend that water heaters lifetime.
(On 30 gpd hard water, that is 48% loss of efficiency in water heaters)
Tankless heaters operated on soft water maintained the original factory efficiency rating over a 15 year life span. The study found that tankless water heaters completely failed to function because of scale plugging in the down stream plumbing.
The degree of hardness must be perceived from your appliances' point-of-view. The problems with appliances start at minimal hardness levels. Some locations in the United States exceed 50 gpg. Obviously appliances wear out much faster at those levels, but remember that "extreme wear" occurs on any appliance employing water in excess of 3.5 gpg.
"Stop wasting money cleaning up your tap water! Hard water requires up to 75% more soap to clean up...Between $0.17 and $0.21 of every dollar at the supermarket is spent on cleaning products." -Water Quality Association (WQA)
Contact Info:
Phone: (432) 247-1135
Email: nustreamwt@outlook.com
Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm
Sat - Sun: Closed